Home Repair
The CCDF Home Repair Program is an ongoing program, established in 2004. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for low-income elderly and disabled Gulf County homeowners by providing much needed home repairs.

An emphasis is placed on making homes more energy efficient and safe for the owners. CCDF currently completes the following home repair projects annually:
- 62 CCDF Repair Projects
- 20-25 Student Repair Projects
The CCDF Home Repair Program has a clearly defined process, consisting of the following general steps:
- Identify low-income elderly and disabled homeowners through surveys and referrals from local churches and non-profit organizations.
- Determine eligibility and need.
- Inspect homes, meet with individuals and family members to explain program policies/procedures, and gain informed consent to move forward with project.
- Develop a work plan and cost estimate for each home repair project.
- Create work schedule and timeline in consultation with homeowner.
- Order materials, secure bids for specialty work, coordinate volunteers, trainees, and skilled workers, and subcontractors.
- Supervise, complete, and inspect work.
- Conduct final inspections, cleanup, and close out work on-site.
- Conduct follow-up survey.
- Maintain detailed reports on each project
Needs Assessment
- Gulf County Senior Citizens
- First United Methodist Church Care Closet
- Gulf County ARC Transportation
- CareerSource Gulf Coast Resource Center